Tanzania president lauds Merck Foundation for breaking infertility stigma

BY PAUL TENTENA, KAMPALA UGANDA The President of United Republic of Tanzania, Dr. S amia S uluhu H assan has lauded Merck Foundation programs which she said are building healthcare capacity, breaking infertility stigma, and supporting girl education . Suluhu who was inaugurating at the 11th Edition of the Merck Foundation annual conference, in Dar es Salaam Tanzania added that such conferences hel p them to achieve their shared mission — to make a transformation in the health and well-being of their people. “I am delighted to host this prestigious conference in Tanzania. It is a great honor to inaugurate the conference alongside the First Ladies of Africa and Asia. I am certain that this conference will help us to achieve our shared mission — to make a transformation in the health and well-being of our people. I deeply appreciate the programs of Merck Foundation that are building healthcare capacity, breaking infertility stigma, and supporting girl education ,...