COVID's Lessons Have All Been Forgotten

In December 2019, as the world was looking ahead to a new year, a novel virus was quietly spreading in China, having most likely made the leap from animals to humans in a Wuhan “ wet market .” Soon, the COVID-19 pandemic would bring the world to a grinding halt, forcing billions of people into unprecedented lockdowns and shuttering economies worldwide. Five years on, we are still grappling with the effects of this “ gray rhino ”: a high-probability risk that was nonetheless neglected or ignored. What did we learn? For starters, the pandemic exposed fundamental flaws in the design of the global economy. In such a tightly interconnected world, the virus was able to spread globally in the space of just a few weeks, and governments, focused on short-term economic goals, were reluctant to do what was necessary to prevent or stop it. While the World Health Organization issued warnings , it lacked the resources or authority to take decisive action. A...