1500 Buliisa Farmers Uplifted with Capacity Building Expertise

 The Buliisa Farmers Capacity Building Project, initiated by Pure Grow Africa Limited with significant support from McDermott, celebrates the graduation of 1500 farmers.

These farmers underwent transformational training that encompassed areas such as land and seedling preparation, crop production and care, post-harvest processes, value addition, financial literacy, and enterprise development.

Highlighting the project's emphasis on inclusivity, a majority of the beneficiaries were women and youth. Despite challenges like limited access to irrigation water and equipment, primarily due to Buliisa's harsh climatic conditions, the program has pioneered a shift in agricultural practices.

Moving away from traditional cassava and maize production, farmers have embraced a diverse range of horticultural alternatives. This transition is not only market-relevant but also instigates an inclusive agricultural evolution, opening a world of possibilities for the community.

This endeavour underscores the vital link between agriculture and the oil and gas sector. Infrastructure advancements led by the oil and gas industry have inadvertently boosted agricultural supply chains. Meanwhile, the energy sector benefits from a proximate and sustainable source of fresh produce, optimizing operational costs and minimizing environmental impacts.

Pure Grow Africa Ltd, an integral player in the East African agribusiness sector, has made waves by sourcing a myriad of produce from an expansive network of farmers. 

Their commitment to strengthening farming communities through capacity-building programs and value chain enhancement is commendable. 

This integrated approach not only positions Pure Grow Africa Ltd at the forefront of agricultural practices and food safety but also bridges the gap between local farming initiatives and vast market opportunities.

McDermott, a global frontrunner in engineering and construction for the energy sector, showcases its dedication to community growth in Uganda. 

Associated as a tier-one contractor for the Tilenga Project by Total Energies, McDermott's support for the Buliisa Farmers Capacity Building Project reinforces their commitment to sustainable and inclusive growth.

This initiative strengthens the agricultural foundation of the region and mirrors McDermott's mission of nurturing prosperous collaborations with local communities.


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