UDB, ATC partner to boost blood bank capacity

Uganda Development Bank (UDB) and American Tower Corporation (ATC) – Uganda have partnered in a blood donation drive to boost Uganda’s blood bank which is estimated to be having a shortfall of over 200,000 units.

According to Joshua Allan Mwesiga, the UDB Director for Planning, the 2- days blood donation drive is purposely aimed at addressing inadequacies and shortage of blood stocks in the country.

“Blood donation helps in maternal health especially mothers who lose a lot of blood while delivering. It is important that we all join hands in addressing blood stock outs usually faced by our blood banks,” said Mwesiga while launching the campaign at the Uganda Development Bank headquarters on Rwenzori Towers.

“We call on every Ugandan to join this campaign,” he added.

Members of the public are free to walk-in to the Uganda Development Bank headquarters at Rwenzori Towers from 23rd to 24th May 2024 from 8 am to 5pm and donate blood.

Dorothy Ssemanda, the ATC – Uganda Chief Executive Officer said blood does not only support during maternal health complications but in anemic children. She said, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), a country must collect at least 1% Units of blood from its population to be blood secure.

For example, for Uganda to be blood secure, it must collect at least 500,000 Units of blood every year, which is 1% of its estimated 50million population.

On average, Uganda currently collects around 300,000 units of blood per year.

Franco Aliho, who represented Mengo Blood Bank, said they target to bridge the blood shortages by having every Ugandan aged between 17 to 60 years for male, and 17 to 50 years for female to donate blood.

“A person should be 50kgs and above, not on medication and not fasting. For the women, they must be not breastfeeding nor in their menstruation periods to donate blood,” said Aliho.

Minet, a risk and reinsurance company also joined in the blood donation drive.


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