Basajja commits to revamping Kansanga health facilities

29 January 2024

City Mogul, Hassan Basajjabalaba, has pledged to revamp and support health facilities around Kansanga township a suburb in Kampala City. He has committed to support mostly maternal health care.

Basajjabalaba, a renowned businessman and proprietor of Kampala International University (KIU) said while touring the facilities in Kansanga that the increasing rate of maternal mortality in Uganda has raised questions about what this means for society and beyond.

“My main reason for this tour is to check on the situation here. The rate of maternal mortality is alarming. We need to save the mothers of the nation,” he said.

Statistics from Uganda's Ministry of Health show that partner-supported government efforts to reduce maternal mortality are beginning to yield fruits with reduction from 339 to 189 per 100,000 live births.

During the tour, Basajjabalaba pledged to provide different equipment needed for the proper treatment of pregnant mothers, including fetal stethoscopes and baby scales.

“Before the month ends, I will provide different equipment to various clinics and hospitals and clinics to help on reducing the high maternal mortality rates in our region.”

During the tour, Bassajabalaba expressed dissatisfaction with the nurses leaving operations and patients unattended to.

Pregnancy and childbirth complications have been one of the highest killers of women of reproductive age with many dying due to a lack of professional equipment in different hospitals in the region. 


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