Corporations Should Lead the Charge in the Fight Against Childhood Cancer


Every September, the world unites in solidarity to honour the courage and resilience of children bravely battling cancer. 

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month serves as a solemn reminder of the far-reaching devastation this illness inflicts on families globally, particularly here in Uganda.

Each of us has a story of childhood, typically filled with joy, play, and discovery. Yet, unfortunately, for some, these stories are marred by unimaginable pain and sorrow—the kind endured by children diagnosed with cancer at an early age.

In Uganda, the statistics are alarming. According to the Uganda Cancer Institute, over 7,000 new cancer cases are reported each year, with children making up approximately 10% of these. 

The most common childhood cancers include leukaemia, brain tumours, and lymphoma. This reality not only warrants deep concern but also compels us to take collective responsibility in raising awareness and combating this life-threatening disease.

Raising awareness about childhood cancer is more than just an act of compassion; it is a crucial step in ensuring that affected families receive the emotional and financial support they so desperately need. 

Furthermore, it serves to galvanize critical funding for research and advancements in treatment. The knowledge that dedicated efforts are being made and that there are people and organizations fighting for the survival of their children provides hope—hope that can make an extraordinary difference in their journey.

For more than nine years, homegrown telecommunications leader Roke Telkom has partnered with Bless a Child Foundation, an organization devoted to supporting children battling cancer in Uganda. 

When these courageous young patients visited the Roke Telkom offices recently, their stories touched the hearts of many, highlighting the countless other children who may be suffering in silence, without the support they need.

Whether individually or as an institution, there are numerous ways we can extend our reach to children affected by cancer, even in the most remote areas. Fundraising to support organizations committed to childhood cancer research and care is one of the most impactful avenues available.

Equally, volunteering in hospitals that treat these young patients offers a hands-on way to contribute to the cause, providing valuable learning opportunities and spreading vital knowledge about what childhood cancer truly entails. 

With a platform, we can amplify the voices of these children and advocate for policy changes that will improve their care and quality of life.

As informed and socially responsible corporations, we possess the power to significantly enhance awareness and facilitate early detection of childhood cancers. By doing so, we help ensure that these young warriors receive the healthcare they deserve and that their needs become a priority for the government of Uganda.

As we shine a spotlight on this critical issue, let us unite our efforts to support these children and work towards a future where no child must face the agonizing ordeal of cancer alone.

The Writer Timothy Mugenyi is the  Head of Partnerships and Community Impact at Roke Telkom.


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